Hello everyone.Considering that this thread is still relatively active. It all goes through the steam client now.In the past the steam workshop used to use a different system where the game itself would download mods using an API, which I think is what that steam workshop downloader is trying to use. For some games like Hat In Time, you're fucked'The game that this item belongs too does not allow downloading of its items' onGuess GOG users are not allowed to use mods for that game.' I think it's not actually possible to use a downloader for newer steam workshop stuff, because it uses the same download depot system for mods as for games. Now if you join your server, you should be able to see the add-on active in-game.AlienMind: Well. Restart your server to load newly installed add-ons.Drag the addon folder from your file manager and drop it into the addons folder on your server.Connect to your server's FTP (We recommend FileZilla) and navigate to /garrysmod/addons/.It can be identified by the presence of folders like lua, materials, resource, data, models, models and sound. This is the folder that you will want to upload to your server. Extract the add-on by right-clicking the ZIP file and select Extract All from the menu that appears.Download the add-on you wish to install to your computer.Curated sites like GmodStore and the Steam Workshop are usually the safest place to download add-ons. Be careful to only install add-ons from trusted authors because it is easy to program a backdoor and insert other malicious code into GMOD add-ons. DANGER: Anyone can write and publish a Garry's Mod add-on on the internet.